

Each search must be accomplished without accents, aspiration marks or punctuation marks.

Searching by date alone is not possible.

In General Search you may, by completing either the first or the first and the second term (restrictive combination), search for phrases or words that are contained anywhere in the data which have been recorded and are available on this website concerning the 19th century Greek bibliography. You can, consequently, also search for any other information concerning which no separate fields are provided under special search (e.g. for the start of the title page, when that does not match the main title, or for the library abbreviation in combination with any other data, e.g. βκχ and κοραης).

In Special Search you can search for phrases or words placed in the specific search fields. Names of individuals must be searched in the order: surname name (e.g. παλαμας κωνσταντινος or παλαμας κ).

  • Title means the main title
  • In order to search all the works by an author, translator or literary editor included in the bibliography, you will have to fill out the corresponding fields with the authorized form of their name, which you will find by activating the button next to this field. In this manner, by opening the window that takes you to the index of authors / translators / literary editors, and typing in the first letter in a name that might potentially appear under various forms, you can find the start of the corresponding letter in the index and be referred to the authorized form of the name (e.g. Μποέμ see Χατζόπουλος Δημήτριος or Σακεσπήρος see Shakespeare William). You also have the option to browse the corresponding index independently.
  • In year of publication (always in combination with another or other field(-s), you can select the symbols = [equals with] or < [less than, meaning before] or > [greater than, meaning after].
  • In subjects - agencies you can also search for sponsors or secondary authors.
  • In the field of bibliographical source you can search either for the abbreviation of a source (e.g. μοσχονας or παπαδοπουλος iv) [except for the abbreviations Ηλιού and Ηλιού-Πολέμη] or the bibliographical code (e.g. 2333 or Α1085 or 181025 or 186437) [always without using punctuation marks].



For both types of search you can choose between two different forms of presentation (extended or condensed) for the results you will see. The condensed presentation shows the main title / the author’s name (when that is not known, the corresponding name of the translator or literary editor appears) or, in the case of anonymously authored texts, of the institution, should one exist – all in their authorized form / the volume, section or issue indicator / the place of publication / the year of publication.

In order to switch between various forms of presentation of all the results, repeat the search, but select that other form. If, however, you only wish to see certain records in any form of presentation, you select the respective records in the check box on the left, then repeat the search also selecting the corresponding form of presentation.


You have the option, with all forms of presentation, to print out all the results that arise from every type of search.


The table of abbreviations (mainly bibliographical sources and libraries) is available, in a separate window, so that you can consult it separately. Also, starting from individual libraries which appear as abbreviations in the extended form of presentation of the entries, you can pass automatically to the corresponding expansion.


By copying the electronic address which appears after the library indication (ΨΗΦ), you can have direct access to digitised copies of the documents recorded in the bibliography; these have been digitised by other institutions and are available on the internet.


The “Philippos Iliou” Bibliology Workshop retains all legal rights concerning republication or any form of reproduction of the material available on this website.